splStorage.js (Stupid Library) !!!
{% github github.com/darkterminal/splStorage.js %} Simple LocalStorage Wrapper for CRUD
Available Mehod
This code is checking to see if the collection is defined in local storage.splStorageJs.collections(name)
This is a function that will return the collection of data that is stored in local storage.splStorageJs.whereNotEqual(collection, key, value)
This code is filtering out the items in the collection that do not have the key equal to the value.splStorageJs.whereEqual(collection, key, value)
This code is filtering the collection of objects by the key and value.splStorageJs.insert(collection, data)
This is a function that inserts data into a collection.splStorageJs.insert(collection, where[key, value], data[key, value])
This is a function that update data in a collectionsplStorageJs.delete(collection, key, value)
This a function that delete data in a collectionsplStorageJs.has(collection, key, value)
This a function that check data is exists or not in a collection
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